Rules to Survive COVID-19 Social Distancing

Published March 18, 2020 by Karen San Andres

Simple Rules to Survive Social Distancing

I’m already seeing posts on social media of people beginning to get a little stir crazy with social distancing. Let’s remember that physical distance does not mean we have to stay indoors or stop socializing virtually with our friends and family, near or far. I have a friend on Facebook that came up with this handy little list of tips to keep you healthy and motivated over the next two weeks and beyond. His name is Miro, and he gave me permission to share his post here:

"Covid," "corona," and "virus" spelled out on a scrabble board.

“Over the next few days or weeks, our bodies and minds will be tested with the isolated state of affairs. most of us have very comfortable homes so it will be very easy to just become a shut-in and enjoy some down time. this is neither healthy nor beneficial for you. distancing yourself from people doesn’t necessarily imply living in a dark cave and watching TV 18 hours a day.

I’ve come up with a simple way to try and keep motivated and of course, the mnemonic is COVID-19  

Stay Safe!

C: Cardio and Exercise. Do what you need to do. Yes, the gyms are closed and yes it’s harder. Get up at 5 and go for a run. If you’re working from home, do pushups every hour. get on your bike. Do something that doesn’t require any people. My personal recipe is a 5:30 am bike ride with no one around.

O: Outside! Isolation does not mean indoors. You can get outside for a walk, or a run, or a hike, away from big crowds. Sunshine and Vitamin D are natural immunity boosters and will make you feel better and refreshed.

V: Vertical. Get vertical. Sit if you need to but really try to stand instead of sitting or laying down. Maybe go for a walk, run, stand up, move around.

I: Intensity. Whatever you do in the exercise realm. Bring some intensity to it. Get those endorphins moving. They are a natural anti-depressant.

D: Don’t Panic. Stay the course. Spend time with your family, do what you need to do, follow instructions, be smart, and this too, will pass.

19. Limit yourself to 19 minutes of TV and nonsense a day. This is enough for 1 episode of your favorite show. Don’t let that brain rot. Learn a new skill, catch up with friends via video chat, read a book, but whatever you do, stay away from that TV set!”

~ Miro R. (Buffalo, NY)

I thought his post was clever and pretty easy to implement. Hopefully it brings you a bit of inspiration during your social isolation!

Keep well!