It’s that time of year – more sunshine and longer days which means more
opportunities to run!
The health benefits of running are endless. To name a few: improved
cardiovascular endurance which is important for our heart health, helps build
strong bones, strengthens muscles, improves mood and boost brainpower,
deepens your sleep, and teaches you resiliency.
However, like any activity and sport, it can sometimes come with injuries. Knowing the difference between soreness and early injury is crucial. Things to tip you off to potential injuries include: pain specific to a location, pain worse in the morning, pain that takes more than 30 minutes to feel better, and visible swelling. If you are noticing any of these signs, it’s time to book in with your Physiotherapist and/or Massage Therapist.
Some Exercises To Include In Your Running Routine
Additionally, to keep you healthy and running strong, make sure to include the
following exercises into your running routine:
● Step ups
● Reverse lunges
● Calf raises
● Split squats
● Planks
● And hip mobility
Not yet a runner but thinking about becoming one? – DO IT! Here are some goals to help with running:
● Make a plan and stay consistent
● Create a routine you can stick to
● Start with a combination of running and walking
● Run with a friend
● And always remember that some runs make you feel invincible, some runs make you feel defeated, but EVERY run makes you STRONGER!
Or…get peer pressured into running the Toronto Waterfront Marathon like Ivanka!
Sweat now and shine later!