Is Your Leaking Bladder Getting in the Way of Your Fitness Plans?
If you experience even a little bladder leakage when you jump, run, cough, sneeze, or laugh, you have something known as Stress Urinary Incontinence. Please hear this – this issue is TREATABLE – and I mean in a natural way – not a “last resort” surgical way. It is definitely a VERY common issue, but sadly most people think that it’s just a normal part of childbirth or getting older. The word “normal” tends to make one think that they are stuck with adapting to this new state of being, rather than reaching out for help to treat the problem. This is so heartbreaking to me as a physiotherapist, as there is so much recovery possible for this common issue.
How common is common? Studies suggest it could be as high as 30% of post-partum mothers to experience urinary incontinence. That is one in every 3 women that are struggling with this issue. You are truly not alone!
There is indeed help for you! You truly do not have to live this way. You need not fear activities such as running after your child, coughing when you are sick, participating in a mommy bootcamp, or jumping on the trampoline. There are many reasons why you could be experiencing leaking. Most of these reasons have a natural and effective physiotherapy solution. Our team has helped people in this situation return to running, dancing, jumping, leaping – you name it!
The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that perform specific functions for evacuation and sexual function. Just like any other muscle in the body, they can be re-trained back to full function after an injury. We will work together as a team to get to the root cause of your incontinence and create a customized program for you to address your specific needs and goals. I am a certified Pfilates instructor, (pronounced “Fi-la-tees”), or pelvic floor Pilates. I work with you to help you understand all about natural and healthy bladder control and teach you exercises that are right for you, for each stage of your improvement. These exercises, along with an even more progressive program a la Julie Wiebe, can get you all the way back to high impact activities, like running and jumping – even with a full bladder, without leaking!
There are a various number of reasons for leaking and in several cases, doing Kegels can actually make the problem worse. Seeing a physiotherapist who has special training about natural and healthy bladder control can ensure your issue is properly assessed and treated appropriately. You can book your initial assessment by calling our lovely reception staff at 289-815-3553 or clicking here to book online.
Leak-free hope is here! I hope to meet you soon!
Yours in joyous health,